Guy Ladenburg

Call: 2000

“… an astute tactician with great commercial awareness … an excellent jury advocate.”

Chambers UK 2025: Crime

“… always delivers excellent advice and advocacy."

Chambers UK 2025: Inquests & Public Inquiries

“He is very bright, a measured advocate with good judgement.”

Chambers UK 2025: Licensing

“… a very natural and persuasive advocate.”

Legal 500 2025: Crime

“He defends some very difficult cases and he's not shy to take difficult points. He defends robustly but with charm.”

Chambers UK 2024: Professional Discipline

Guy Ladenburg is recommended in Chambers UK and Legal 500 as one of the leading juniors in Crime, Police Law, Professional Discipline, Licensing, Inquests and Public Inquiries.

Guy is renowned for his work as advisor and advocate across a wide range of criminal, regulatory, disciplinary and public inquiry proceedings.

Main areas of practice:

  • Professional fraud/misconduct
  • Murder/manslaughter/deaths in custody
  • Misconduct in public office
  • Insider dealing/market abuse
  • Sexual allegations
  • Commercial fraud
  • Police discipline
  • Money laundering
  • Public Inquiries/inquests
  • Regulatory crime
  • Licensing and Regulatory enforcement

Legal Expertise

Crime overview

Guy defends serious and complex criminal cases in the Crown Court and Court of Appeal, in particular those involving heavy fraud, organized crime, sexual offences and the most serious offences against the person. He acts both as junior and leading junior.

He is a grade 4 prosecutor for serious crime, general crime and fraud and RASSO for CPS London. He has defended and prosecuted private prosecutions brought by local authorities for a range of criminal and regulatory offences, including under the Fraud Act. He advises small and medium-sized companies in respect of anti-bribery procedures under the Bribery Act 2010.

Guy increasingly advises in complex and high-profile cases at the cross-over of crime, regulatory enforcement, investigatory powers and public law, including for the National Crime Agency.

He acts privately for clients at the Magistrates’ Court.

Notable Crime cases

R v MC(2024) Portsmouth Crown Court

Representing man accused of the attempted murder of a neighbour.

R v JH (2024) Bournemouth Crown Court

Representing police officer charged with misconduct in public office following alleged disclosure of sensitive information.

R v PL (2024) Bournemouth Crown Court

Represented man tried for BDSM rapes.

R v KC (2024) Southwark Crown Court

Represented police officer tried for GBH following taser discharge.

R v AA (2024) Newcastle Crown Court

Represented MPS Inspector tried for historic familial sexual abuse.

R v MR (2023) Snaresbrook Crown Court

Represented man of good character tried for multiple historic familial rapes.

R v AS (2023) Wood Green Crown Court

Represented police officer tried for sexually assaulting a colleague whilst on-duty.

Licensing & Regulatory

Licensing & Regulatory overview

An experienced practitioner across the full range of liquor-licensing matters, representing applicants, local authorities and individuals in applications under the 2003 Act, at first instance and appeal. He has represented many landmark London institutions, including the Ritz, the Soho House Group, Bocca di Lupo and Pied a Terre. He also appears on behalf of local residents in opposition to licensing applications. He regularly undertakes advisory work on behalf of the trade, licensing authorities and the police. He is also experienced in Betting and Gaming applications and appeals on behalf of applicants and trade objectors, and has represented defendants in health and safety prosecutions. He frequently provides urgent advice to professional clients across a range of licensing matters, and has appeared in the Administrative Court on behalf of statutory licensing authorities.

He acts for local and statutory authorities in private prosecutions for a range of regulatory offences and enforcement proceedings, and also for defendants.

He acts as presenting counsel in fitness hearings on behalf of the General Dental Council.

He is on the ‘A’ panel of Specialist Advocates’ List for Health & Safety and Environmental law.

Notable Licensing & Regulatory cases

Praed Street, Westminster City Council (2024)

Represented commercial premises in contested application before committee.

GLA v Westminster City Council (2024)

Represented Appellant at Westminster Magistrates’ following refusal of a licence for a fanzone in Central London for the Champions League final.

Sexy Fish (2022)

Represented Caprice Holdings in the application for a new landmark restaurant in Manchester

The Dolphin (2021)

Acted for the MPS in review proceedings of The Dolphin in Hackney.

Concrete Space (2019)

Represented Soho House Group venue in obtaining a late night license outside core hours in the Shoreditch special policy area.

Vodafone (2018)

Represented Vodafone at Westminster Magistrates' Court in respect of a breach of the New Roads and Street Works Act.

London Borough of Brent v Mannion (2017)

Acted for landmark William IV pub in statutory nuisance prosecution.

Financial Crime overview

Guy has appeared in some of the most substantial and complex fraud cases in recent years, including the notorious Celtic SFO prosecution, and often represents professional defendants.  He is co-author to Blackstone’s Guide to the Fraud Act (2006). He increasingly acts as a leading junior, including in an FCA prosecution for insider dealing.

He frequently advises the NCA and the MPS in respect of complex financial investigations and proceedings, including in the Administrative Court and the IPT.

Notable Financial Crime cases

R v NM (2024-25 Harrow Crown Court

Acting as leading defence counsel for principal defendant in complex Iranian money-laundering prosecution, due to be tried in 2025.

R v Bayes and Swann (2022-24) Southwark Crown Court

Acted as leading defence counsel in an insider dealing prosecution following suspicious investments in the plastics industry. Guy’s client was acquitted after a re-trial in which the co-defendant was convicted.

R v CH (2022-24)

Represented pensioner of good character tried for money-laundering.

R v IR (2022)

Prosecuted a local politician for an election fraud relating to a local district by-election.

R v Almeida (Operation Boromo) 2016 - 2017

Southwark Crown Court. Defence counsel for the only defendant to be acquitted in Operation Boromo, the DWP's largest ever investigation into an industrial scale fraud on the UK benefits and immigration system. The defendant pleaded guilty to a linked fraud against Eurostar worth in excess of £1m.

R v Walker and others (Operation Cotton) 2015 - 2019

Southwark Crown Court. Junior Counsel acting on behalf of a solicitor in a land-banking and collective investments scheme prosecution brought by the FCA, followed by protracted contested confiscation proceedings.

R v Stephen Davies KC and others (Celtic) 2013/15

Cardiff Crown Court. [2014] 1 WLR 2817 [2015] EWHC 263 (QB) Cardiff Crown Court Junior counsel representing a commercial silk acquitted of an SFO charge of conspiracy to defraud arising from commercial advice given to a mining company in South Wales in relation to the export of restoration liabilities in the sum of £136 million. Costs were awarded against the SFO.

R v Day and others 2013

Southwark Crown Court Junior counsel for a defendant governor in the Copland School fraud.

Professional Discipline overview

He frequently advises and represents police officers from forces throughout the country in inquests, criminal cases and disciplinary proceedings. He also represents the interests of the police in coroner’s inquests into deaths in custody and other suspicious deaths. He has acted for officers from forces up and down the land.

He frequently advises and represents the Metropolitan Police in respect of a wide range of matters. He is also experienced in representing military personnel in the UK and overseas in courts martial.

Notable Professional Discipline cases

MPS v ST (2024)

Represented an officer in a gross misconduct hearing arising from an assault against a minor in care.

GMP v TB (2024)

Represented Chief Inspector for multiple breaches of professional standards in relation to a career break in Qatar.


Represented Inspector alleged to have made homophobic comments to a colleague.

MPS v JY (2023)

Represented an officer in a gross misconduct hearing concerning multiple allegations of domestic abuse.


Defended custody sergeant in a 2 week hearing in an IOPC directed gross misconduct hearing following a strip search of a black woman in custody.

MPS v PG (2022)

Represented a police sergeant accused of gross misconduct arising from his participation in the fatal pursuit in 2016 of Lewis Johnson, a promising young footballer.

Operation Focus (2020-2021)

Represented a police sergeant in a landmark Hampshire Police gross misconduct hearing relating to allegations of racism and sexism in a ‘toxic’ specialist unit.

Inquests & Inquiries overview

Guy frequently defends both officers and police forces in inquests and inquiries throughout the UK. His expertise in criminal investigations, police misconduct and public law place him in a strong position in this area.

Notable Inquests & Inquiries cases

Chenise Gregory Inquest, South London Coroner’s Court (2024)

Represented the Metropolitan Police in the Article 2 jury inquest of Chenise Gregory, who was murdered by her partner whilst he was being managed in the community by a Jigsaw team.

Robert Murdoch inquest, Southwark Coroner’s Court (2024)

Represented the Metropolitan Police in the Article 2 jury inquest of Robert Murdoch, a man experiencing Acute Behavioural Disturbance who was restrained by MPS officers in his flat.

Krystian Kilkowski inquest, Norfolk Coroner’s Court (2023)

Represented nine Norfolk officers in the Article 2 jury inquest of man subjected to extended police restraint.

Manchester Arena Inquiry (2020 – 2022)

Acted as first junior in a counsel team of 5 representing Greater Manchester Police and the North West Counter Terrorism Policing in the Manchester Arena Inquiry.

Port Inquests, Barking (2021)

Represented an MPS officer involved in the investigation into the death of Jack Taylor, murdered by Stephen Port in 2015.

Katerina Makunova Inquests, Southwark Coroner’s Court (2021)

Represented 7 MPS Community Safety Unit officers in the inquest into the death of 18 year old Katerina Makunova, killed by her boyfriend after multiple complaints of his behaviour to the police.

Joseph Agnew inquest, Southwark Coroner’s Court (2020)

Represented two City of London police officers in the inquest into the death of a man shortly after they had removed him from a bus and left him at a bus stop.


R v NM (2024-25)
Harrow Crown Court
Acting as leading defence counsel for principal defendant in complex Iranian money-laundering prosecution, due to be tried in 2025.

R v Bayes and Swann (2022-24)
Southwark Crown Court
Acted as leading defence counsel in an insider dealing prosecution following suspicious investments in the plastics industry. Guy’s client was acquitted after a re-trial in which the co-defendant was convicted.

R v CH (2022-4)
Represented pensioner of good character tried for money-laundering.

R v IR
2022, Aylesbury Crown Court
Prosecuted a local politician for an election fraud relating to a local district by-election.

R v Almeida (Operation Boromo)
2016 – 2017, Southwark Crown Court
Defence counsel for the only defendant to be acquitted in Operation Boromo, the DWP’s largest ever investigation into an industrial scale fraud on the UK benefits and immigration system.  The defendant pleaded guilty to a linked fraud against Eurostar worth in excess of £1m

R v Walker and others (Operation Cotton)
2015 – 2019, Southwark Crown Court
Junior Counsel acting on behalf of a solicitor in a land-banking and collective investments scheme prosecution brought by the FCA, followed by protracted contested confiscation proceedings

R v Bohdjalian and others
2014, Southwark Crown Court
Represented principal defendant in diamond fraud prosecution

R v Stephen Davies QC and others
(Celtic) 2013/15, Cardiff Crown Court
[2014] 1 WLR 2817
[2015] EWHC 263 (QB)
Cardiff Crown Court
Junior counsel representing a commercial silk acquitted of an SFO charge of conspiracy to defraud arising from commercial advice given to a mining company in South Wales in relation to the export of restoration liabilities in the sum of £136 million.  Costs were awarded against the SFO

R v Day and others
2013, Southwark Crown Court
Junior counsel for a defendant governor in the Copland School fraud

R v Faichney and others
2011, Blackfriars Crown Court
Junior defence counsel in the Vantis tax avoidance scheme prosecution

R v Abeysinghe and others
2011, Southwark Crown Court
Acted as junior counsel to Sri Lankan singer and film actor alleged to have laundered £60 million through a money exchange

R v Voysey and others
2010, Southwark Crown Court
Privately instructed to represent a defendant in an extensive boiler-room fraud concerning fake companies purporting to sell development land on the site of the London Olympics

R v Ludlam and another
2009, Administrative Court
Represented defendant in civil contempt case arising from fraud investigation

R v Macauley and others
2010, Luton Crown Court
Represented the principal defendant, a mortgage broker, in a substantial six-handed mortgage fraud conspiracy

R v Datta
2004, Middlesex Guildhall
Represented second defendant in the six -week trial of a fraud conducted by employees of Pentax

R v Yiannakas
2003, Inner London Crown Court
Junior defence counsel in lengthy confiscation proceedings following a £50 million carousel fraud


R v MC (2024)
Portsmouth Crown Court
Representing man accused of the attempted murder of a neighbour

R v JH (2024)
Bournemouth Crown Court
Representing police officer charged with misconduct in public office following alleged disclosure of sensitive information.

R v PL (2024)
Bournemouth Crown Court
Represented man tried for BDSM rapes.

R v KC (2024)
Southwark Crown Court
Represented police officer tried for GBH following taser discharge.

R v AA (2024)
Newcastle Crown Court
Represented MPS Inspector tried for historic familial sexual abuse

R v MR (2023)
Snaresbrook Crown Court
Represented man of good character tried for multiple historic familial rapes.

R v AS (2023)
Wood Green Crown Court
Represented police officer tried for sexually assaulting a colleague whilst on-duty.

R v DC
2021, Southwark Crown Court
Represented a police officer accused of perverting the course of justice by providing a dishonest statement about a colleague’s road traffic collision.

Terra Services v NCA [2020] EWHC 1640 (Admin), [2019] EWHC 3165 (Admin)
2019-2020, Administrative Court
Acted for the NCA responding to a series of challenges by JR of a production order obtained in respect of a storage unit in the context of the Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Led throughout by Lisa Giovannetti QC but appeared alone in the final hearing before a bench including the LCJ.

R v HL
2019-20, Isleworth Crown Court
Represented a police officer accused of perverting the course of justice by fabricating an allegation of a sexual assault by an innocent man of a child

R v Vernon
2018, Northampton Crown Court
Prosecuted man in respect of historic 1986 aggravated burglary and rape of 68 year old widow.

R v Hussein
2018, Birmingham Crown Court
Represented principal defendant in gangland attempted murder.

R v Raymond
2018, Basildon Crown Court
Represented man who supplied class-A drugs to a teenager who died.

R v Tame
2018, Basildon Crown Court
Represented principal defendant in cannabis farming and money laundering case.

R v MP
2018, Northampton Crown Court
Represented man accused of marital rape.

R v Tutton
2017, Central Criminal Court
Junior defence counsel representing a 19 year old man of good character alleged to have murdered a 60 year old man in a flat in East London.

R v Gould
2017, Bournemouth Crown Court
Represented a female getaway driver for the violent robbery of a jeweller’s shop.

R v Potter
2016, Inner London Crown Court
Acted for the prosecution in a trial of a pensioner accused of multiple historic rapes of his daughter.

R v Riley
2016, Kingston Crown Court
Acted for the prosecution of a man who had repeatedly breached a SOPO.

R v Reilly
2016, Isleworth Crown Court
Represented a man accused of historic sexual offences against his two daughters.

R v Mansaray
2016, Central Criminal Court
Junior defence counsel representing one of eight defendants to be tried for the murder of London teenager Che Labastide-Wellington

R v DP
2015 – 2016, Bournemouth Crown Court
Defence counsel for a man accused of raping his wife after assaulting and threatening to kill her.  The defendant was acquitted following a re-trial

R v EB-C
2015, Northampton Crown Court
Junior counsel representing a mother with a background of puerperal psychosis accused of murdering her baby son.  The prosecution accepted a plea of manslaughter on the basis of diminished responsibility

R v DN
2015, Bournemouth Crown Court
Defence counsel in historic multiple child rape and serious sexual assaults case, the indictment covering five complainants and a period of more than thirty years

R v TB
2015, Southwark Crown Court
Represented a police officer acquitted of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice arising from the student demonstrations in London in 2010

R v N
2014, Bournemouth Crown Court
Represented defendant accused of historical rapes and indecent assaults of four family members over a period of thirty years

R v Davis
2014, Southwark Crown Court
Represented a DC financial investigator accused of defrauding the MPS of high-value items confiscated under POCA

R v S L
2013, Isleworth Crown Court
Prosecuted the stranger rape on Ealing Common of a 17 year old girl

R v Hair
2013, Westminster Magistrates’ Court
Defended police officer accused of racial abuse of a colleague

R v Nembhard
2013, Snaresbrook Crown Court
Junior counsel for the defence in gang murder prosecution

R v Ventriglia
2011, Reading Crown Court
[2011] EWCA Crim 2912
Acted for Crown in private prosecution of an unregulated will-writer for fraudulent trading

R v R
2011, Portsmouth Crown Court
Represented a sixteen year old boy accused of raping a thirteen year old boy

R v G
2011, Kingston Crown Court
[2011] EWCA Crim 299
Prosecuted a church youth group leader in respect of inappropriate web-cam activity with a younger congregant, and responded to the subsequent appeal

R v Tate and others
2009-10, Kingston Crown Court
Acted as junior counsel to a principal defendant in a trial arising from Operation Eaglewood, an investigation into one of the largest drug-trafficking and money- laundering networks in the UK

R v Spicer
2010, Woolwich Crown Court
Prosecuted a 63 year old man for a series of historical rapes and indecent assaults against two young girls

R v Dhawan
2010, Snaresbrook Crown Court
Prosecuted trial of an investment banker for the death of his ten month old son by dangerous driving

R v Prout and others
2009, Kingston Crown Court
Represented one of six TSG police officers alleged to have racially abused and assaulted a group of youths in central London

R v Taylor and others
2008, Chelmsford Crown Court
Acted as leading junior for the Crown in six-handed organised crime prosecution

R v Lambourne and others
2007, Luton Crown Court
Junior defence counsel in organised crime prosecution involving the largest car-ringing enterprise to come before the courts

R v Johnson
2007, Kingston Crown Court
[2007] EWCA Crim 1978
Acted for the Crown in a reported case concerning application of the rule in M’Naghten

R v Ogunbowale and others
[2007] EWCA Crim 2739
Junior prosecution counsel in a three-handed murder and robbery trial and appeal

R v Karim Joumni
2006, Central Criminal Court
Junior prosecution counsel in the murder trial of a kitchen porter

R v Marriott
2005 & 2006, Central Criminal Court
Junior prosecution counsel in the murder and manslaughter trials of a Stringfellows bouncer who killed a customer

R v Breed
2004, Maidstone
Junior counsel representing 81 year-old Baptist minister tried for historical sexual abuse of his daughters and granddaughters

R v Kelleher
[2003] EWCA Crim 3525
Prosecuted a man who beheaded a statue of Margaret Thatcher in the Guildhall art gallery, and responded to the subsequent appeal

Professional Discipline

MPS v ST (2024)
Represented an officer in a gross misconduct hearing arising from an assault against a minor in care.

GMP v TB (2024)
Represented Chief Inspector for multiple breaches of professional standards in relation to a career break in Qatar.

WMP v AG (2024)
Represented Inspector alleged to have made homophobic comments to a colleague.

MPS v JY (2023)
Represented an officer in a gross misconduct hearing concerning multiple allegations of domestic abuse.

MPS v MH (2022)
Defended custody sergeant in a 2 week hearing in an IOPC directed gross misconduct hearing following a strip search of a black woman in custody.

MPS v PG (2022)
Represented a police sergeant accused of gross misconduct arising from his participation in the fatal pursuit in 2016 of Lewis Johnson, a promising young footballer.

Operation Focus (2020-2021)
Represented a police sergeant in a landmark Hampshire Police gross misconduct hearing relating to allegations of racism and sexism in a ‘toxic’ specialist unit.

R(BTP) v Reynolds
2018/9 PAT and Administrative Court
[2019] EWHC 73 Admin
Represented officer in a PAT and then resisting a judicial review by the BTP of the PAT’s decision to re-instate him following a finding of gross misconduct.

R (Birks) v MPS and IOPC
2018 Administrative Court
[2018] EWHC 807 (Admin)
Represented IOPC as interested party in a judicial review of the investigation into the death of Sean Rigg in 2008.

Operation Gluon
2018, Bedfordshire Police
Represented an officer accused of lying about catastrophic injuries  to Julian Coles, a 19 year old student, outside a nightclub.

Lincolnshire Police v Colson
Represented officer accused of staging a knife attack on himself and prompting a huge police investigation.

West Midlands Police v BL
Represented a MAPPA sergeant who supervised a violent offender who went on to murder his ex-partner and her baby.

Staffordshire Police v PC Tench
Represented PC accused of failing to treat as a medical emergency a man who died in the rear of a police vehicle.

BTP v PS Davies
Represented PS accused of waging a campaign of intimidation and harassment against a junior colleague.

BTP v PC Money
Represented PC accused of lying about an arrest at a high-profile demonstration at Sheffield Station.

MPS v PC Bateman
Represented PC accused of drinking tea instead of responding to a suicide risk.

GDC v Warmann
Acted for the GDC as presenting officer in a nine day case involving allegations of multiple clinical failures.

Merseyside Police v  PC Gustaffson
Represented PC in respect of allegations of dishonesty.

MPS v PC Gibson
Acted for probationary PC accused of inappropriate behaviour towards a male colleague.

MPS v PS Yarwood
Represented a PS in the TSG accused with three colleagues of corrupt practices in relation to overtime.

Hertfordshire Police v PC Payne
Represented a PC accused of removing an iPhone from a missing person’s address.

Acting for a PC accused of assaulting a detained man

MPS v PC Louise Fielden
Represented an officer charged with multiple breaches of professional standards

Derbyshire v DC MM
Represented detective accused of covering up allegations of sexual activity with a child by an associate

BTP v PC Michael Chapman
Represented an officer accused of failures in relation to the care of a man who committed suicide whilst detained at hospital under the Mental Health Act

Gwent Police v DC Hodgkinson
Represented an officer found to have forged entries in a major incident notebook in relation to a murder investigation in South Wales

BTP v Inspector MT
Represented an officer accused of corruption based on his membership of the Freemasons

GMP v PC Monaghan
Represented an officer accused of deliberately using his police dog to inflict injuries on a fleeing suspect

Staffordshire Police v PC Robert Trow
Represented an officer accused of assaulting a member of the public and then giving a dishonest account

Represented a Detective Sergeant accused of leaking sensitive details to a News of the World journalist

MPS v DC Poole
Represented a detective accused of investigative failings resulting in the collapse of a case against a child abuser

MPS v PC Morrice
Represented a constable accused of serious failings resulting in the collapse of a six-handed violent disorder trial

BTP v PS Pearson
Represented sergeant of Explosive Search Dogs Unit accused of multiple instances of gross misconduct

PC Haynes and others
Represented one of five officers charged with gross misconduct over the arrest of a young man who later died as a result of ingesting cocaine

PC Rhodes
Represented a serving police officer in a disciplinary hearing into allegations of sexual misconduct, drug abuse and corruption

PS Manjit Johal
Misconduct hearings concerning a beat sergeant accused of having sex with a prostitute whilst in uniform, on duty and in the presence of a PCSO

PS Meade
Represented a BTP sergeant in a disciplinary hearing into multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.

Inspector Birmingham
Represented an Inspector alleged to have compromised the CENTREX national police recruitment model by acquiring and using protected material for use in the course of his business

PC Holditch and others
Represented one of three officers during a hearing into allegations of maltreatment of a persistent young offender, during which false confessions were said to have been elicited

R v Turner
Represented a custody sergeant acquitted of misconduct in public office and then disciplined by Suffolk Police arising from a death in custody

PS Heads and PS Mawson
Represented two custody sergeants following a death in custody

PS Moorby and PS Beer
Represented two custody sergeants following a death in custody


Chenise Gregory Inquest, South London Coroner’s Court (2024)
Represented the Metropolitan Police in the Article 2 jury inquest of Chenise Gregory, who was murdered by her partner whilst he was being managed in the community by a Jigsaw team.

Robert Murdoch inquest, Southwark Coroner’s Court (2024)
Represented the Metropolitan Police in the Article 2 jury inquest of Robert Murdoch, a man experiencing Acute Behavioural Disturbance who was restrained by MPS officers in his flat.

Krystian Kilkowski inquest, Norfolk Coroner’s Court (2023)
Represented nine Norfolk officers in the Article 2 jury inquest of man subjected to extended police restraint.

Manchester Arena Inquiry (2020 – 2022)
Acted as first junior in a counsel team of 5 representing Greater Manchester Police and the North West Counter Terrorism Policing in the Manchester Arena Inquiry.

Port Inquests, Barking (2021)
Represented an MPS officer involved in the investigation into the death of Jack Taylor, murdered by Stephen Port in 2015.

Katerina Makunova Inquests, Southwark Coroner’s Court (2021)
Represented 7 MPS Community Safety Unit officers in the inquest into the death of 18 year old Katerina Makunova, killed by her boyfriend after multiple complaints of his behaviour to the police.

Joseph Agnew inquest, Southwark Coroner’s Court (2020)
Represented two City of London police officers in the inquest into the death of a man shortly after they had removed him from a bus and left him at a bus stop.

Adrian Macdonald inquest
2018, Stoke on Trent
Represented six Staffordshire Police officers in the inquest into the death of 34 year old man who had been tasered and bitten by a police dog.

Catherine Horton inquest
2018, Croydon
Represented two officers from Missing Persons Unit following the suicide of an escaped mental health patient.

Stephen Berry inquest
2018, Gateshead
Represented two custody sergeants following the death of a man in custody.

Helen Turrell Inquest
2017, Lincoln Coroner’s Court
Acted on behalf of a PC responding to an incident where a young woman had taken an overdose of canine insulin.

Yonas Tesfaldet Inquest
2017, Walthamstow Coroner’s Court
Acted on behalf of the MPS where an asylum seeker committed suicide following his discovery in an HGV.

Inquest into the death of Bruno Neves-Vulcao
2016, Reading Coroner’s Court
Instructed to represent four Thames Valley police constables in relation to the sudden death of a young Brazilian student whilst under arrest

Inquest into the death of RR
2015, Southwark Coroner’s Court
Acted for a police constable in relation to the death of a man who committed suicide on release from police custody

Inquest into the death of AG-W
2014- 2017, West London Coroner’s Court
Acted for the Metropolitan Police Service at the inquest into the death of a young woman who died following an episode of puerperal psychosis and subsequent restraint by officers and medical staff

PC Colin Smelt Inquest
2013, St Pancras Coroner’s Court
Represented MPS at inquest into the death of SO1 Specialist Protection Officer

The Nigel Schofield Inquest
2010, Bromley Coroner’s Court
Represented two custody sergeants in the inquest touching the death in police custody of an investment analyst

Jian-Ping Liu inquest
2010, West London Coroner’s Court
Represented two SO18 custody officers in inquest into the death of a Chinese immigrant shortly after leaving police custody at LHR

The Tania Moore Inquiry
2006, Derby Police HQ public inquiry
Represented the most senior officer to be charged with misconduct arising from investigative failings preceding the murder of Tania Moore by an estranged boyfriend


Praed Street, Westminster City Council (2024)
Represented commercial premises in contested application before committee.

GLA v Westminster City Council (2024)
Represented Appellant at Westminster Magistrates’ following refusal of a licence for a fanzone in Central London for the Champions League final.

Sexy Fish
Represented Caprice Holdings in the application for a new landmark restaurant in Manchester

The Dolphin

Acted for the MPS in review proceedings of The Dolphin in Hackney.

Concrete Space
Represented Soho House Group venue in obtaining a late night license outside core hours in the Shoreditch special policy area

Represented Vodafone at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in respect of a breach of the New Roads and Street Works Act

London Borough of Brent v Mannion
2017, Brent Magistrates’ Court
Acted for landmark William IV pub in statutory nuisance prosecution.

Club Flamingo
2017, Tower Hamlets Licensing committee
Represented SEV premises in applications  before Tower Hamlets Licensing committee for renewal of SEV licence

Ritz Casino v Alshathry
2016, Queen’s Bench Division
Acted for the Ritz in an application for a worldwide freezing order against a debtor

Charlie’s Angels
Represented Sexual Entertainment Venue in Tower Hamlets in contested application for renewal of licence

Crownmead Stores
2015, Reading Magistrates’ Court
Represented off-licence on appeal from revocation of licence

Les Ambassadeurs Club v Batarse
Acted for Les Ambassadeurs casino in an application for a worldwide freezing order against a debtor

Ritz Casino v Kalwani
2014, Queen’s Bench Division
Acted for the Ritz in application for a worldwide freezing order against a debtor

Acted for Tower Hamlets Borough Council in an appeal of a decision relating to a winter festival in Victoria Park

Acted for Wiltshire police in raising objections against the final grant of a provisional licence for a nightclub

The Joiner’s Arms
Acted for Metropolitan Police in review proceedings against a well-known gay pub

La La Restaurant
Acted for London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham responding to an appeal against review proceedings

Acted for a Kingston nightclub in review proceedings

93 Feet East
2012, Tower Hamlets
Acted for the Metropolitan Police in expedited review proceedings

Inc Club O2
2011, Greenwich
Represented operators of a large O2 nightclub in resisting an expedited review brought by the police under s.53A

Mint v London Borough of Lambeth
Represented nightclub in an appeal following a review of the licence instigated by local residents

Diamond Chauffeurs v TFL
Acted for TFL in response to an application for urgent judicial review following a variation of a PHV licence for a major West-End private hire firm, and respondent in the subsequent appeal to City of London Magistrates

Room One
2011, Westminster
Acted for the MPS in an expedited review following serious crime and disorder at a West End nightclub

Lamb and Lion v Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
2011, Southend
Acted for respondent to an appeal following review

Crowne Plaza
2011, Kensington and Chelsea
Represented local residents seeking to protect amenity of garden square in objecting to an application to vary a hotel’s licence

Eldon Cars v TFL
2009] EWHC 2189 (Admin)
Acted for TFL in response to an application for urgent relief following the removal of a number of operating centres from the applicant’s licence.

“Guy is an astute tactician with great commercial awareness and good client care skills. He is also an excellent jury advocate.”  Chambers UK 2025:  Crime

“… always delivers excellent advice and advocacy.”  Chambers UK 2025:  Inquests & Public Inquiries

“Guy has significant depth of knowledge in the licensing field.”  Chambers UK 2025:  Licensing

“He is very bright, a measured advocate with good judgement.”  Chambers UK 2025:  Licensing

“… brilliant with clients.”  Chambers UK 2025:  Police Law

“A lovely advocate.”  Chambers UK 2025:  Professional Discipline

“… a very natural and persuasive advocate. He has a charm with clients and judges alike as well as excellent judgement.”  Legal 500 2025:  Crime

“Guy is extremely knowledgeable and able. He knows licensing and he can fairly be regarded as an expert in licensing circles.”  Legal 500 2025:  Licensing

“… very fine counsel… “  Chambers UK 2024:  Crime

“Meticulous in his planning and preparation.”  Chambers UK 2024:  Licensing

“Guy has a considered approach. He defends some very difficult cases and he’s not shy to take difficult points. He defends robustly but with charm.”  Chambers UK 2024:  Professional Discipline

“Guy is very clever, acts in difficult cases and always takes the best points.”  Chambers UK 2024:  Police Law

“… great to work with and very popular with the clients.”  Chambers UK 2024:  Inquests

“… a very polished communicator and advocate. He has an immensely personable manner and is a robust cross-examiner.”  Legal 500 2024:  Crime

“… a highly experienced and dedicated advocate. He has in-depth knowledge of police law and police misconduct work.”  Legal 500 2024:  Police Law

“A barrister with excellent judgement whose jovial and entertaining approach goes down a storm with juries.”  Chambers UK 2023:  Crime

“Guy is good with clients; he has a good manner and is empathetic. He is on top of it and goes to the route of the problem quickly.”  Chambers UK 2023:  Professional Discipline

“Guy is very easy to work with and is much liked by the lay clients.”  Chambers UK 2023:  Inquests

“Guy is very polished, a very effective cross-examiner.  Very charming, very bright, also very versatile with a broad range of specialisms.”    Legal 500 2023:  Crime

“Guy is an excellent advocate.” Legal 500 2023:  Police Law

“A formidable advocate.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Crime

 “An absolute gentleman who puts clients at ease.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Crime

 “… an experienced and able advocate.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Licensing

 “Quick to respond and excellent on his feet. His drafting is always precisely what’s required and to the point.” Chambers UK 2022:  Professional Discipline

“… very knowledgeable and a good, safe pair of hands.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Professional Discipline

“He presents an impressive case even when he doesn’t have much to work with.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Police Law

“Great cross-examiner who is respected by judges and clients alike and very personable.”  Legal 500 2022:  Crime

“Very knowledgeable in this area and is a pleasure to work with.”  Legal 500 2022:  Police Law

“A formidable advocate who has a great manner with clients.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Crime

“An absolute gentleman who puts clients at ease.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Crime

“He is an experienced and able advocate.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Licensing

“Quick to respond and excellent on his feet. His drafting is always precisely what’s required and to the point.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Professional Discipline

“He puts clients at ease, and is very knowledgeable and a good, safe pair of hands.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Professional Discipline

“He has got a very pleasant manner, and panels find him persuasive. He presents an impressive case even when he doesn’t have much to work with.”  Chambers UK 2022:  Police Law

“Solicitors, clients and district judges alike find Guy extremely likable. Provides helpful, concise and frank advice.”  Legal 500 2022:  Licensing

“Has a great feel for the best tactical approach to take in a case and is wonderfully reassuring in conference.”  Chambers UK 2021:  Crime

“Very sound.”  Chambers UK 2021:  Licensing

“Has a great feel for the best tactical approach before misconduct panels. Wonderfully reassuring in conference.”  Chambers UK 2021:  Police Law

“A diligent, hard-working and very good junior with a diverse practice who is very good with clients.”  Legal 500 2021:  Crime

“He is extremely knowledgeable and able – he knows his licensing onions.”  Legal 500 2021:  Licensing

“Very responsive and diligent; clients like him.”  Legal 500 2021:  Police Law

“Has a great feel for the best tactical approach to take in a case and is wonderfully reassuring in conference.”  Chambers UK 2021:  Crime

“A stylish criminal advocate who has successfully turned his hand to disciplinary work.”  Chambers UK 2021:  Professional Discipline

“A diligent, hard-working and very good junior with a diverse practice who is very good with clients.”  Legal 500 2021:  Crime

…”extremely knowledgeable and able”…  Legal 500 2020:  Licensing

“Great under pressure and someone with an incredible aptitude for preparing cases in minimal time. A formidable opponent on his feet, he ensures all bases are covered.” Chambers UK 2020: Licensing

“He is very clever and very good with clients.” Chambers UK 2020: Licensing

“An impressive advocate as well as a good lawyer.” Chambers UK 2020: Professional Discipline

“A jovial and entertaining presence, but also has excellent judgement.” Chambers UK 2020: Professional Discipline

“Very responsive, quick grasp of issues and provides easy to understand and concise advice to clients.” Legal 500 2020: Licensing

“Very responsive and diligent, clients like him.” Legal 500 2020: Police Law

“A very assured and confident advocate who is impressive on his feet.” Chambers UK 2019: Licensing

“An exceptional barrister with very good communication skills.” Chambers UK 2019: Professional Discipline

“A suave and elegant advocate who has an engaging personality and presence.” Chambers UK: Professional Discipline

“Intelligent and perceptive, he has a first-class manner with clients, who warm to him instantly.” Legal 500 2019: Crime

“A natural advocate with a terrific demeanour.” Legal 500 2019: Fraud – Crime

“He has a diverse practice spanning the trade, local government and regulatory matters.” Legal 500: Licensing

“He’s very good in cross-examination, and very assertive.” “He offers a very good insight into cases. He is particularly strong when advising on matters involving the police.” Chambers UK 2018: Licensing

“Very good in police discipline. He has a very balanced manner and is a good judge of a case.” “He has a very good way of dealing with the panel.” Chambers UK 2018: Professional discipline

“A very natural advocate, who is great with clients.” Legal 500 2017: Crime

“He is tremendously hardworking, a very able advocate and fearless cross-examiner.” Legal 500 2017: Fraud

“A very intelligent and charming man who is as bright as a button and handles tremendous amounts of work very quickly.” Chambers UK 2017: Licensing

“A very popular, robust all-rounder in police discipline cases.” “He has a very nice touch, a wonderful turn of phrase and he demonstrates excellent judgement in court.” Chambers UK 2017: Professional Discipline

“Very versatile and very thorough in his preparation.” Legal 500 2016: Fraud

“He is very knowledgeable and provides good paperwork.” Legal 500: Licensing

“He has a terrifically good attitude and is terrifically good on the law.” Chambers UK 2016: Professional Discipline

“User-friendly and very thorough.” Legal 500 2015: Licensing

“He has a very charming and approachable outlook, and is sensible in approaching cases.” “A very able advocate, who knows his technical law very well in a highly regulated area.” Chambers UK 2015: Professional Discipline

“A very persuasive advocate who puts his clients at ease.” Legal 500 2013: Professional Discipline

  • BA Hons (Oxon) First Class
  • Hodgson Scholar, St Hugh’s College, Oxford (1996)
  • Murdoch Scholar (1997)
  • Astbury Scholar of the Middle Temple (1999)
  • Diploma in Law (Distinction)
  • Called to the Bar 2000
  • Co-author (with Simon Farrell KC and Nicholas Yeo) of Blackstone’s Guide to the Fraud Act 2006 (OUP 2007).
  • CPS RASSO Panel Advocate
  • CPS level 4 prosecutor
  • CPS specialist panellist for serious crime, general crime and fraud
  • Specialist Advocates’ A panellist for Health & Safety and Environmental Law

I, Guy Ladenburg, am a data controller and can be contacted at 3 Raymond Buildings, Gray’s Inn, London WC1R 5BH or by telephone on 020 7400 6400 or by email at My Data Protection Policy can be found below.

All personal data that I process is for the purposes of providing legal services, conducting conflict-checks, marketing, defending potential complaints, legal proceedings or fee disputes, keeping anti-money laundering records, training other barristers and pupils and when providing work-shadowing opportunities, and/or exercising a right to a lien. The types of data I process vary upon the nature of the legal matter in relation to which I am engaged to advise, but can include names, contact details, biographic details and ‘special category personal data’ (such as details of racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, sex life and criminal convictions and proceedings).

Depending upon the circumstances of the case, the legal bases upon which I process personal data are (i) the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, (ii) the processing is necessary to comply with legal obligations to which I am subject, or (iii) the processing is necessary for the legitimate interests set out above, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. When I rely on (iii) legitimate interests, my ‘Legitimate Interests Assessment’ can be found here. When I process data which has not be obtained directly from the data subject (e.g. personal data contained in evidential materials), it will have been supplied to me as part of my instructions in circumstances covered by legal professional privilege.

Depending upon the circumstances of the case, I may share the personal data with:

  1. my Chambers, which supplies professional and administrative support to my practice;
  2. Courts and other tribunals to whom documents are presented;
  3. my lay and professional clients;
  4. potential witnesses, in particular experts, and friends or family of the data subject;
  5. solicitors, barristers, pupils, mini pupils and other legal representatives;
  6. ombudsmen and regulatory authorities;
  7. current, past or prospective employers;
  8. education and examining bodies;
  9. business associates, professional advisers and trade bodies.

I retain personal data for no longer than 7 years after the case has come to an end or as otherwise required by law.

I do not intend to transfer data to any country which is not either within the European Union, ‘white listed’ by the EU or otherwise permitted by EU law (e.g. to the USA under the provisions of the ‘Privacy Shield’).

Under the GDPR, data subjects whose personal data I process have the right to request from me access to, and rectification or erasure of, their personal data, the right to the restriction of processing concerning them, the right to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. Data subjects also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (

In cases where there is a contract between me and the data subject, the provision of personal data is a contractual requirement and the data subject is obliged to provide the personal data in order that I can supply legal services. A failure to provide such data may mean that I will not be able to provide the legal services.

Rev 1.1 – 31.05.2018

Data Protection Policy

Legitimate Interests Assessment

Guy Ladenburg is qualified to accept instructions direct from clients under the Bar Council’s Public Access Scheme. This means that members of the public who seek specialist advice can come direct to him. In addition, he welcomes instructions from solicitors, in-house law departments, qualified foreign lawyers, and clients licensed by the Bar Council to give instructions direct to barristers under the Bar Council’s Licensed Access Scheme.

For further information please contact our Clerks.

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