Social Mobility

Three Raymond Buildings is pleased to support initiatives which promote diversity in the profession and provide encouragement to talented students and junior practitioners regardless of their background.

We currently participate in the following schemes:

In 2016, junior tenant Heather Oliver was awarded a Pegasus Scholarship by the Inns of Court and was fortunate to be offered a 6-week placement in the USA, supported by Pegasus Funding and a grant from Three Raymond Buildings.

You can read about her experiences here (courtesy of the Inner Temple Yearbook 2017-18).

In both 2018 and 2019 we were delighted to host a French avocat for one week as part of the Pegasus Paris London Bar Exchange, an excellent 4-week programme which matches avocats with their areas of expertise and includes a mini-pupillage, marshalling in a range of courts and participating in a mock trial.