News: Financial Services

Sanctions enforcement set to increase

Rachel Barnes, Patrick Hill and Genevieve Woods have co-authored an article on sanctions in the January 2019 issue of...

8th February 2019

Convictions in largest insider dealing case brought by FCA

Neil Saunders was a member of the prosecution team that saw the convictions of Martyn Dodgson and Andrew Hind after a four...

16th May 2016

Third Libor trial begins

The trial against fiver former Barclays employees has begun at Southwark Crown Court. The defendants are charged with...

8th April 2016

Eurostar clerk acquitted in Operation Boromo

A Eurostar bookings clerk has been acquitted of conspiring to defraud numerous Government agencies, causing losses in the...

26th January 2016

Navinder Singh Sarao appears in Court

James Lewis QC represented Navinder Singh Sarao today at Westminster Magistrates Court, A UK trader accused of contributing...

7th May 2015

Tax consultant unlawfully arrested by HMRC

Following a short trial in the High Court, Mr Justice Knowles found that an HMRC officer had made an unlawful arrest and that...

18th December 2014

SFO prosecution list results announced

Chambers is delighted to announce that 7 members have been appointed to the SFO PoCA and Prosecution Counsel Lists. James...

22nd April 2013

Banker’s girlfriends acquitted

A German banker working in the Mergers and Acquisitions department of the London office of Japanese bank used his two...

15th November 2012