
Three Raymond Buildings Events: Saturday 1 February 2025

On Saturday 01 February 2025, we held two events across Gray’s Inn and in chambers.

Continuing our work with the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham (LAET) we ran a debating tournament with thirty Year 12 students from LAET culminating in a final held in Gray’s Inn which was won by Paris, Zulua and Xandriana (pictured).




This is the third time chambers has run this tournament. It sits alongside our wider mentoring and educational work with LAET.

At the same time as the debating tournament, we held our second International Advocacy Day. Sixty university students attended a series of talks on international criminal law and then prepared submissions in a realistic extradition appeal delivered in front of members of chambers who provided support and detailed feedback.

We were extremely impressed by all of the students many of whom we hope to see in practice in the future.

We run events such as these as part of our strategy to increase diversity within chambers and the legal profession more generally.

Over twenty members of chambers volunteered over the course of the day. We are also very grateful that our chambers administrator Donna was present throughout as well as all three of our pupils: Ali, Miranda and Joanna and Jenna who commences pupillage with us in October. These events could not have taken place without the dedication of our barristers, staff and pupils.



Our next access event is a weekend workshop for disabled students which we are running with Bringing Disability to the Bar (BDbar) on the 01 March 2025.

3rd February 2025