
Misconduct Hearing into Senior Gwent Police Officers Concludes

Two Senior Police officers were dismissed without notice following a gross misconduct hearing held on various dates between 7th April 2022 and 06 September 2022. A third officer gave notification of his intention to retire before the end of the hearing and the panel determined that he would have been dismissed had he not ceased to be a police officer.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Mark Budden, Chief Superintendent Mark Warrender and Chief Inspector Paul Staniforth were all found to have breached the standards of professional behaviour. Each breach was found to amount to gross misconduct.

The misconduct included inappropriate conversation with a more junior member of police staff and failure to challenge or report the same (all three officers) inappropriate touching (Mark Warrender) and failing to disclose a conflict of interest, inappropriately disclosing information in relation to a criminal investigation, providing a dishonest account in relation to his conduct and engaging in inappropriate conduct whilst on duty (Marc Budden).

Exceptionally the hearing was held in private following a ruling by the Legally Qualified Chair in furtherance of the public interest in encouraging reporting of wrongdoing and to protect the Article 8 rights of witnesses at the hearing and their families, including those of the officers concerned.

Click here to read more from the BBC

Matthew Butt KC and Charlie McCombe represented the Appropriate Authority (Gwent Police) at the hearing

7th September 2022