Patrick Hill

Call: 2010

“… a complete superstar”.

Legal 500 2025: Crime

“… just incredibly talented. He has excellent advocacy and his paperwork is on a different level.”

Chambers UK 2025: Crime

“… one of the most gifted, juniors at the criminal Bar ... incredibly bright, very hard-working and a complete pleasure to work with.”

Legal 500 2025: Crime

“… a brilliant barrister with a great mind.”

Chambers UK 2024: Crime

“… one of the leading criminal juniors: intelligent and hard working with great judgement.”

Legal 500 2024: Crime

Patrick Hill has a broad practice spanning the fields of fraud/regulatory, criminal, public, human rights, extradition, inquests/inquiries/investigations, asset recovery, contempt, international/immigration/EU, civil/quasi-civil, and professional discipline and licensing law.

Regularly instructed in high profile and complex cases, Patrick’s recent and current instructions in these areas include:

  • SFO Unaoil/Iraqi oil corruption/bribery prosecution
  • Unexplained wealth order case
  • HBOS corruption £245m prosecution
  • News International/The Sun hacking and misconduct in public office litigation
  • Leave.EU and Vote Leave PPERA appeals
  • Human rights/RIPA claims before the IPT
  • Judicial review proceedings in relation to production orders on behalf of a Russian national
  • Private prosecution
  • £97m confiscation proceedings
  • $2 billion Commercial Court contempt
  • Judicial review proceedings on behalf of ENRC
  • Computer hacking of Gordon Ramsay
  • Inquiry into collapse of a trial of 13 police officers
  • Hatton Gardens jewellery burglary
  • Max Clifford historic sexual offences

Legal Expertise

Crime and regulatory crime overview

Patrick is regularly instructed to act for private individuals and companies in high profile and complex criminal and regulatory cases, including those with an international dimension. His practice encompasses fraud, money laundering, bribery, corruption, and misconduct in public office, as well as compute misuse, hacking and data protection offences.

Recent and current instructions include:

  • Acting for the first defendant in the SFO’s Unaoil corruption/bribery prosecution alleging corruption of Iraqi government ministers and others to secure oil contracts in the aftermath of Saddam Husein’s rule;
  • Acting for the defence in the £245m HBOS corruption and fraudulent trading prosecution;
  • Acting for a high profile UK corporation in one of the largest ever criminal regulatory prosecutions, engaging complex issues of EU/public law;
  • Acting for the defence in each of the three criminal strands of the News International litigation: (i) phone hacking at NOTW, as part of Operation Weeting (RIPA); (ii) payments to public officials on behalf of The Sun’s Chief Reporter, and Chief Foreign Correspondent, as part of Operation Elveden (misconduct in public office); and (iii) accessing a Member of Parliament’s stolen mobile phone, as part of Operation Tuleta;
  • Acting for the defence in prosecution of computer hacking of Gordon Ramsay (CMA);
  • Acting for the Electoral Commission in an appeal brought by Leave.EU against alleged regulatory breaches of electoral law (PPERA), arising from the EU Referendum; and in an appeal brought by Vote Leave;
  • Acting for the first defendant in the £14m Hatton Garden jewellery burglary;
  • Acting for the the subject/respondent of one of the first ‘Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO)’ cases;
  • Acting for the defence in a Private Prosecution alleging perverting the course of justice;
  • Advising on a prospective Private Prosecution for perverting the course of justice, perjury, theft, DPA and CMA offences, and on contempt arising from civil proceedings;
  • Acting for the publicist Max Clifford in historic sexual offences, as part of Operation Yewtree;
  • Acting for a Roman Catholic priest in historic sexual offences;
  • Acting for the defence in supply of drugs case into London prisons including by LPP correspondence and drone;
  • Acting for the defence in complex £97m confiscation proceedings;
  • Acting for Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC) in judicial review proceedings;
  • Advising the subject of civil/asset recovery proceedings;
  • Acting for company directors in relation to Companies Act offences;
  • Advising a company in arbitration proceedings in relation to criminal fraud allegations.

Patrick is regularly instructed pre-charge to advise private individuals, regulated professionals, and companies in relation to the legality of investigative powers exercised by a range of agencies (arrest, search, seizure, s.2 notices, production orders etc.); in relation to potential criminal, civil, and public law challenges and remedies; and in relation to representations in relation to charge, where he has frequently acted for high profile individuals whose cases have not resulted in charge.

He is currently instructed on behalf of a Russian businessperson in a series of judicial reviews (and related challenges) to account freezing orders (AFOs), forfeiture, production orders (POs), and restraint. He also advises in relation to SOCPA agreements and related overseas agreements (including NPAs).

Notable Crime and regulatory crime cases

R v Basil Al Jarah & Others (Unaoil) (2018-2020)

Allegation of conspiracy to bribe/corrupt Iraqi government ministers and others connected to the reconstruction of the Iraqi oil industry in the years following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003. Led by Alexander Cameron QC.

Private Prosecution v Xand Y

2020, Wood Green Crown Court Representing two defendants alleged to have perverted the course of justice. Led by Clare Montgomery QC and Tim Owen QC.

Agency v X Corporation (2018-2020), Southwark Crown Court

Representing high-profile UK corporation in one of the largest ever international criminal regulatory prosecutions, engaging complex issues of EU/public law. Led by Christopher Daw QC, and with Thomas de la Mare QC and Fraser Campbell.

Leave.EU v Electoral Commission (2019)

Acting for the Electoral Commission in an appeal brought by Leave.EU against alleged breaches of electoral law (PPERA), arising from the EU Referendum. Led by Hugo Keith QC.

R v John Kay & Others (Operation Elveden) (2014-2015), Criminal Court

Represented the first defendant John Kay, The Sun's Chief Reporter. Allegation of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office by paying a Ministry of Defence official £100,000. Led by Trevor Burke QC.

Civil & Quasi-criminal Law overview

In addition to his criminal practice, Patrick is experienced in advising on civil proceedings arising from, and associated with, criminal matters, and more generally.

Recent and current instructions include:

  • Acting for the MPS and NPCC in human rights/RIPA proceedings before the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, arising from undercover policing;
  • Acting for the MPS in a wide-ranging civil claim, which raised allegations of misfeasance, malicious procurement of a search warrant, trespass, and breaches of the DPA and HRA;
  • Acting in a civil claim against a well-known members’ club;
  • Acting in cash forfeiture and condemnation proceedings resisting the forfeiture of vehicles and excise goods to HMRC;
  • Advising on a prospective private prosecution for perverting the course of justice, perjury, theft, DPA and CMA offences, and on contempt arising from civil proceedings;
  • Advising on the effect of settlement agreements/Tomlin orders in criminal proceedings;
  • Advising and making representations in UKBF restoration cases;
  • Advising the subject of civil/asset recovery proceedings;
  • Acting for the the subject/respondent of one of the first ‘Unexplained Wealth Order’ cases;
  • Advising and acting in Account Freezing Order cases;
  • Advising in relation to lawfulness of arrest in relation to a civil claim;
  • Advising in relation to lawfulness of decision to grant search warrant and lawfulness of conduct of search.

Notable Civil & Quasi-criminal Law cases

NCA v X (2019-2020)

Acting for the respondent/subject of an Unexplained Wealth Order ("UWO"). Led by Tim Owen QC.

Kate Wilson v MPS &NPCC (2018-2019)

Acting for the MPS in human rights/RIPA proceedings before the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, arising from undercover policing. Led by David Perry QC.

X v MPS (2015)

Acting for the MPS in civil claim alleging misfeasance, malicious procurement of a search warrant, trespass, and breaches of the DPA and HRA. Led by Clive Sheldon QC.

Contempt law overview

Patrick is experienced in bringing, resisting, and purging contempt proceedings, both civil and criminal.

Recent and current instructions include:

  • Acting for Gennadiy Bogolyubov in criminal contempt permission proceedings brought in Commercial Court;
  • Acting for contemnor in purge proceedings in Solicitors from Hell case;
  • Acting for Sven-Goran Eriksson’s IFA in civil contempt proceedings in the Chancery Division of the High Court;

Notable Contempt law cases

Gennadiy Bogolyubov v Viktor Pinchuk (2015)

Represented Gennadiy Bogolyubov. Application for permission to bring committal proceedings for contempt of court against Viktor Pinchuk, the claimant in a $2 billion Commercial Court action. Led by James Lewis QC.

Daniel Beach v QRS (2015)

Represented "Solicitors from hell" Daniel Beach. Application to discharge contempt (“purge”) following committal for 16 breaches of court orders directed at preventing harassment of a firm of solicitors. Junior alone.

Sven-Goran Eriksson v Samir Andreas Khan (2013)

Represented Samir Khan. Application to commit Sven Goran Eriksson’s independent financial adviser for 81 alleged breaches of a freezing order. Led by James Lewis QC.

Extradition, international, immigration, EU & asylum law overview

Patrick is experienced in extradition, international law, and immigration. He acts on behalf of requesting states and requested persons in extradition cases, and advises on cross-border evidence gathering, mutual legal assistance, Interpol red notices, and the repatriation of prisoners. Patrick is also experienced in EU and asylum law, and the interplay with criminal law, and sanctions.

Recent and current instructions include:

  • Advising on challenges to an Interpol red notice arising from a politically-motivated prosecution;
  • Acting in judicial review claim in relation to the Secretary of State’s decision to deport;
  • Acting in relation to immigration, EU, and human rights appeals brought in the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber);
  • Acting pro bono in applications for delisting to (i) the European Commission, and (ii) the United Nations Security Council (application for removal from the UN Al-Qaida sanctions list established under Security Council Resolution 1267 (1999) for Tunisian citizens resident in Italy);
  • Advising pro bono in a sanctions case for Reprieve;
  • Assisting in the drafting of observations on behalf of Abu Hamza before the European Court of Human Rights;
  • Advising a UK citizen overseas on repatriation.

Notable Extradition, international, immigration, EU & asylum law cases

In re D, T & A (2012-2013)

Represented individuals on the UN Security Council Al-Qaida sanctions list in delisting applications before the UN Ombudsperson. Instructed by the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights. With Rachel Barnes.

Dhar v National Office of the Public Prosecution Service the Netherlands [2012] EWHC 697 (Admin)

Appeal against extradition order. Led by Simon Farrell QC.

Mustafa (aka Abu Hamza) v United Kingdom (2010)

Drafted observations on behalf of Abu Hamza. Assisting Ben Brandon.

Public law, inquests and inquiries overview

Patrick has extensive inquest and investigation/inquiry experience:

  • Between 2015 and 2017, against the backdrop of judicial review of IPCC and HMCPSI reports, and a contentious civil claim, Patrick was instructed as sole junior counsel led by Richard Horwell QC in the independent Mouncher Investigation established by the Home Secretary to examine the circumstances in which a trial of 13 police officers collapsed on disclosure grounds (the officers were alleged to have perverted the course of justice in the investigation into the murder of Lynette White in the 1980s which led to the prosecution of the “Cardiff Five” and the Court of Appeal judgment in R v Paris) (R v Mouncher & Others);
  • He has appeared in numerous inquests, acting for witnesses, families and other IPs. He has recently acted for the family following a death in hospital; for a school following a death of an excluded pupil, and for the MPS in the inquest into the death of a man who went missing from extra care housing (Leocardo Loney).
  • Before coming to the Bar, Patrick was employed in the legal department of the civil liberties and human rights organisation, Liberty, where he advised on all aspects of the HRA and on matters concerning data protection and privacy, employment, inquests, discrimination, prisons, police powers, and peaceful protest. He also worked on the Bloody Sunday Inquiry for which he obtained “developed vetting” (“DV”) security clearance. During pupillage, he gained experience of inquests and public inquiries, including in particular: deaths in custody; the Baha Mousa Inquiry; and the inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson.

Patrick is also experienced in judicial review claims, including those arising in the context of search warrants and the exercise of investigative powers (he was instructed for the SFO in Tchenguiz v SFO, and has acted for ENRC); interference with prisoners’ correspondence; immigration (deportation orders); and categorisation and allocation of prisoners in the context of changes of gender under the Gender Recognition Act 2004. Patrick is currently instructed on behalf of a Russian businessperson in a series of judicial reviews (and related challenges) to account freezing orders (AFOs), forfeiture, production orders (POs), and restraint.

Notable Public law, inquests and inquiries cases

Mouncher Investigation (2015-2017)

Investigation established by Home Secretary to examine collapse of trial of 13 police officers who in the 1980s had investigated the notorious murder of Lynette White which led to the prosecution of the “Cardiff Five”. Led by Richard Horwell QC.

Leocarado Loney Inquest (2019)

Represented MPS in an Article 2 inquest into the death of an 82-year-old man with dementia who had gone missing from extra care housing where he had lived.

Inquest into the death of X (2019)

Represented a well-known school in an inquest into the death of an excluded pupil.

Inquest into the death of Y (2019)

Represented the family at an inquest into the death of a woman following admission to hospital.

Professional Discipline

Professional Discipline overview

Patrick has acted for professionals facing proceedings before a wide variety of disciplinary tribunals.

Recent and current instructions include:

  • Acting for an architect in proceedings before the Architects Registration Board (ARB);
  • Acting for a barrister in proceedings before the Bar Standards Board (BSB).

Licensing overview

Patrick has experience of advising and appearing in licensing matters on appeal in the Magistrates’ Courts, and in the field of regulatory enforcement including food safety and hygiene, fire safety, and taxi licensing.


Agency v X Corporation
2018-2020, Southwark Crown Court
Representing high profile UK corporation in one of the largest ever criminal regulatory prosecutions. Led by Christopher Daw QC.

Leave.EU v Electoral Commission
2019, Central London County Court
Acted for the Electoral Commission in an appeal brought by Leave.EU against alleged breaches of electoral law, arising from the EU Referendum. Led by Hugo Keith QC.

Vote Leave v Electoral Commission
2019, Central London County Court
Acted for the Electoral Commission in an appeal brought by Leave.EU against alleged breaches of electoral law, arising from the EU Referendum. Led by James Eadie QC.

Bribery, Corruption & Misconduct in Public Office

R v Basil Al Jarah & Others (Unaoil)
2018-2020, Southwark Crown Court
Allegation of conspiracy to bribe/corrupt Iraqi government ministers and others connected to the reconstruction of the Iraqi oil industry in the years following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003. Led by Alexander Cameron QC.

R v David Mills & Others (Operation Hornet)
2016-2017, Southwark Crown Court (5 months)
Allegation of corruption of RBS banker and £245 million fraudulent trading, and laundering the proceeds. Led by Alexander Cameron QC.

R v John Kay & Others (Operation Elveden)
2014-2015, Central Criminal Court
Represented the first defendant John Kay, The Sun’s Chief Reporter. Allegation of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office by paying a Ministry of Defence official £100,000. Led by Trevor Burke QC.

R v Nick Parker & Others (Operations Elveden, Tuleta)
2014, Central Criminal Court
Represented the first defendant Nick Parker, The Sun’s Chief Foreign Correspondent. Allegations of aiding and abetting misconduct in public office by paying a police officer and prison officer, and handling/unlawfully accessing an MP’s stolen phone. Led by Trevor Burke QC.

Serious Fraud & Money Laundering

Acting for the subject/respondent of an Unexplained Wealth Order (“UWO”). Led by Tim Owen QC.

R v David Mills & Others (Operation Hornet)2016-2017, Southwark Crown Court (5 months)
Allegation of corruption of RBS banker and £245 million fraudulent trading, and laundering the proceeds. Led by Alexander Cameron QC.

R v Lee Reid
2017, Southwark Crown Court
Allegation of mortgage frauds. Confiscation appeal reported at [2018] EWCA Crim 628. Led by Tim Owen QC.

Computer & Phone Hacking

R v Chris Hutcheson & Others (Operation Kerville)
2017, Central Criminal Court
Represented Managing Director of Gordon Ramsay Holdings Ltd (“GRHL”). Allegation of hacking into computer system of GRHL and email accounts including those of Gordon Ramsay and Tana Ramsay.

R v Nick Parker & Others (Operation Tuleta)
2014, Central Criminal Court
Represented the first defendant Nick Parker, The Sun’s Chief Foreign Correspondent. Allegation of handling/unlawfully accessing an MP’s stolen phone. Led by Trevor Burke QC.

R v Andrew Coulson & Ors (Operation Weeting)
2013, Central Criminal Court
Represented Greg Miskiw, the News of the World’s News Editor. Allegations of unlawful access to voicemail messages (“phone hacking”). Led by Trevor Burke QC.

Other Serious & Organised / Complex Crime

Private Prosecutor v X & Y
Acting for the defence in a private prosecution alleging perverting the course of justice. Led by Clare Montgomery QC and Tim Owen QC.

R v X
2018, Blackfriars Crown Court
Represented defendant alleged to have smuggled drugs into London prisons including by LPP correspondence and drones.

R v Carl Wood & Others (Hatton Garden Burglary)
2015, Woolwich Crown Court
Represented the first defendant Carl Wood. Allegation of £14 million conspiracy to steal jewellery from a secure vault in Hatton Garden, London’s jewellery quarter, and laundering the proceeds. Led by Nicholas Corsellis.

R v Max Clifford (Operation Yewtree)
2014, Southwark Crown Court
Represented Max Clifford. Allegations of historic sexual assault. Led by Richard Horwell QC.

R v James Lock
2014, Romford Magistrates’ Court
Represented James Lock, who plays “Lockie” on The Only Way Is Essex. Allegations of drugs possession.


R v M
2018, Leicester Crown Court
Represented first defendant in cut-throat trial involving complex pathology evidence. Led by Jason Bartfeld QC.

R v K
2017, Nottingham Crown Court
Represented sole defendant in a case involving complex psychiatric and expert evidence, including in relation to the impact of PTSD on formation of specific intent. Led by Michael Borrelli QC.

Investigations / Inquiries

Leocardo Loney Inquest
Represented MPS in an Article 2 inquest into the death of an 82-year-old man with dementia who had gone missing from extra care housing where he had lived.

Mouncher Inquiry
2015-2017, “QC-led inquiry” led by Richard Horwell QC
Investigation established by Home Secretary to examine collapse of trial of 13 police officers who in the 1980s had investigated the notorious murder of Lynette White which led to the prosecution of the “Cardiff Five”.


Gennadiy Bogolyubov v Viktor Pinchuk
2015, Commercial Court
Represented Gennadiy Bogolyubov. Application for permission to bring committal proceedings for contempt of court against Viktor Pinchuk, the claimant in a $2 billion Commercial Court action. Led by James Lewis QC.

Daniel Beach v QRS
2015, Queen’s Bench Division, High Court
Represented Daniel Beach. Application to discharge contempt (“purge”) following committal for 16 breaches of court orders directed at preventing harassment of a firm of solicitors.

Sven-Goran Eriksson v Samir Andreas Khan
2013, Chancery Division, High Court
Represented Samir Khan. Application to commit Sven Goran Eriksson’s independent financial adviser for 81 alleged breaches of a freezing order. Led by James Lewis QC.

Extradition / International

In re D, T & A
2012-2013, UN Ombudsperson
Represented individuals on the UN Security Council Al-Qaida sanctions list in delisting applications before the UN Ombudsperson. Instructed by the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights. With Rachel Barnes.

Dhar v National Office of the Public Prosecution Service the Netherlands
[2012] EWHC 697 (Admin)
Appeal against extradition order. Led by Simon Farrell QC.

Mustafa (aka Abu Hamza) v United Kingdom
2010, European Court of Human Rights
Drafted observations on behalf of Abu Hamza. Assisting Ben Brandon

“… a complete superstar”.  Legal 500 2025 2025:  Crime

“… just incredibly talented. He has excellent advocacy and his paperwork is on a different level.”  Chambers UK 2025:  Crime

“… one of the most gifted, juniors at the criminal Bar … incredibly bright, very hard-working and a complete pleasure to work with.”  Legal 500 2025:  Crime

“… a brilliant barrister with a great mind.”  Chambers UK 2024:  Crime

“… one of the leading criminal juniors: intelligent and hard working with great judgement.”  Legal 500 2024:  Crime

“… one of the leading criminal juniors: intelligent and hard working with great judgement.”  Legal 500 2024:  Crime

“Patrick is hard-working, intelligent and committed. He is one of the best of the junior Bar.”  Legal 500 2023:  Crime

  • Lincoln’s Inn
  • Young Fraud Lawyers Association
  • Criminal Bar Association
  • Extradition Lawyers Association
  • Defence Extradition Lawyers Forum
  • Association of Regulatory & Disciplinary Lawyers
  • BA Hons (Cantab)
  • M.Phil (Cantab) (Distinction)
  • Graduate Diploma in Law (Distinction)
  • Bar Vocational Course (Outstanding)
  • Walter Wigglesworth Scholarship (Lincoln’s Inn, 2010)
  • Buchanan Prize (Lincoln’s Inn, 2009)
  • Lord Denning Scholarship (Lincoln’s Inn, 2008)
  • Lord Brougham Scholarship (Lincoln’s Inn, 2007)
  • Hardwicke Entrance Award (Lincoln’s Inn, 2007)
  • Simón Bolívar Scholarship (Cambridge University, Centre of Latin American Studies, 2005)
  • Foundation Scholarship (Cambridge University, Jesus College, 2004 and 2006)
  • Benefactor’s Prize (Cambridge University, Jesus College, 2004)
  • College Prize (Cambridge University, Jesus College, 2004)
  • College Exhibition (Cambridge University, Jesus College, 2003)
  • The Guide to Sanctions’ (GIR) – full publication available here (2020)

I, Patrick Hill, am a data controller and can be contacted at 3 Raymond Buildings, Gray’s Inn, London WC1R 5BH or by telephone on 020 7400 6400 or by email at My Data Protection Policy can be found below.

All personal data that I process is for the purposes of providing legal services, conducting conflict-checks, marketing, defending potential complaints, legal proceedings or fee disputes, keeping anti-money laundering records, training other barristers and pupils and when providing work-shadowing opportunities, and/or exercising a right to a lien. The types of data I process vary upon the nature of the legal matter in relation to which I am engaged to advise, but can include names, contact details, biographic details and ‘special category personal data’ (such as details of racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, sex life and criminal convictions and proceedings).

Depending upon the circumstances of the case, the legal bases upon which I process personal data are (i) the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, (ii) the processing is necessary to comply with legal obligations to which I am subject, or (iii) the processing is necessary for the legitimate interests set out above, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. When I rely on (iii) legitimate interests, my ‘Legitimate Interests Assessment’ can be found here. When I process data which has not be obtained directly from the data subject (e.g. personal data contained in evidential materials), it will have been supplied to me as part of my instructions in circumstances covered by legal professional privilege.

Depending upon the circumstances of the case, I may share the personal data with:

  1. my Chambers, which supplies professional and administrative support to my practice;
  2. Courts and other tribunals to whom documents are presented;
  3. my lay and professional clients;
  4. potential witnesses, in particular experts, and friends or family of the data subject;
  5. solicitors, barristers, pupils, mini pupils and other legal representatives;
  6. ombudsmen and regulatory authorities;
  7. current, past or prospective employers;
  8. education and examining bodies;
  9. business associates, professional advisers and trade bodies.

I retain personal data for no longer than 15 years after the case has come to an end or as otherwise required by law.

I do not intend to transfer data to any country which is not either within the European Union, ‘white listed’ by the EU or otherwise permitted by EU law (e.g. to the USA under the provisions of the ‘Privacy Shield’).

Under the GDPR, data subjects whose personal data I process have the right to request from me access to, and rectification or erasure of, their personal data, the right to the restriction of processing concerning them, the right to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. Data subjects also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (

In cases where there is a contract between me and the data subject, the provision of personal data is a contractual requirement and the data subject is obliged to provide the personal data in order that I can supply legal services. A failure to provide such data may mean that I will not be able to provide the legal services.

Rev 1.1 – 25.05.2018

Data Protection Policy

Legitimate Interests Assessment

Patrick Hill is qualified to accept instructions direct from clients under the Bar Council’s Public Access Scheme. This means that members of the public who seek specialist advice can come direct to him. In addition, he welcomes instructions from solicitors, in-house law departments, qualified foreign lawyers, and clients licensed by the Bar Council to give instructions direct to barristers under the Bar Council’s Licensed Access Scheme.

For further information please contact our Clerks.

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