Patrick Gibbs KC

Call: 1986 / Silk: 2006

Public Law Silk of the Year 2019

Legal 500 2019

Star at the Bar 2020

Chambers UK 2020

Crime Silk of the Year 2010

Chambers UK

Patrick Gibbs KC is recognised by Chambers UK, Chambers 100 and Legal 500 as one of the leading silks in Crime, Fraud, Inquests, Public Inquiries and Professional Discipline.

Patrick is renowned for his work as advisor and advocate across a wide range of criminal, regulatory, disciplinary and public inquiry proceedings.

Main areas of practice:

  • Professional fraud/misconduct
  • Murder/manslaughter/deaths in custody
  • Corruption/misfeasance in public office
  • Insider dealing/market abuse
  • Sexual allegations
  • Commercial fraud
  • Police discipline
  • Money laundering
  • Health and safety
  • Tax avoidance/evasion
  • Computer crime
  • Public Inquiries/inquests

Legal Expertise

Bribery & Corruption overview

Notable Bribery & Corruption cases

R v P (2023)

PG represented the MPS officer responsible for West End licensing prosecuted under the Bribery Act for advantages received from club owners and security companies in return for preferential treatment.

Glencore (2022 - )

SFO investigation into alleged corruption in Africa.

Rolls Royce (2019)

SFO investigation into alleged corruption.

R v G (2018)

PG represented an election agent accused of election expenses fraud during the 2015 General Election, in contested proceedings in the Crown Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

R v A (2018)

PG represented a British individual accused of corporate corruption in Hungary in the award to a French company of a public infrastructure contract.

Barclays (Qatar) (2017)

SFO prosecution of a controversial fund raising by UK bank.

Petrobas (2017)

Corrupti on investigation in Brazil.

GPT Special Project Management Ltd (2017)

SFO investigation concerning Saudi Arabia.

R v Lord H (2016)

PG represented the Crown in the prosecution of a member of the House of Lords in connection with Parliamentary expenses.

EURIBOR (2016)

R v C (2015)

PG represented the former editor of the News of The World in his abandoned retrial for conspiring to make illegal payments to police officers for royal household directories.

R v J-B (2013)

PG represented an MoD official accused of selling information to a senior correspondent of the Sun newspaper.

SFO v M-P (2010)

British Aerospace ‘corruption’ PG represented the only individual charged by the SFO in its investigation into corruption in the award of British Aerospace contracts

Crime overview

Notable Crime cases

R v F (2024)

PG represented a rapper accused of sexual offences.

R v NX121 (2024)

PG represented the SCO19 specialist firearms officer charged with Murder for shooting Mr Chris Kaba.

R v S (2023)

PG represented an actor accused of sexual offences.

R v R (2023)

Husband and wife mercy killing indicted as Murder and resolved by suspended sentence. PG represented the accused husband.

R v P (2023)

PG represented the police officer responsible for West End licensing prosecuted for receiving bribes from club owners and security companies in return for preferential treatment.

R v St G (2022)

PG represented a woman accused of the Murder of her young child and convicted of Infanticide as an alternative to Manslaughter.

R v W (2022)

PG represented a police driver prosecuted for 'causing' the deaths of a young family run down by the criminal whose stolen car he was pursuing on blue lights and sirens.

Encrochat (2022 - )

PG represented and continues to represent individuals accused of drugs and firearms offences on the strength of Encrochat data recovered by the NCA.

R v S (2020, 2021, 2022)

PG PG represented a solicitor/judge charged with Conspiracy to Defraud the public purse, in three contested jury trials across three years.

R v M (2021)

PG represented a uniformed officer charged with the Murder of Dalian Atkinson following Taser discharge.

AI M (2019-2021)

Advising on criminal issues in Family Court proceedings between a husband and wife

FCA v V (2020)

PG represented an individual charged under FSMA with destroying electronic documents during an insider dealing search.

R v E (2020)

PG represented an individual indicted for Extinction Rebellion protest at Canary Wharf.

D v C (2019)

Resisting a private prosecution arising out of High Court proceedings concerning Moscow real estate.

Rolls Royce (2019)

SFO investigation into alleged corruption.

R v X (2018)

PG represented a judge accused of a computer offence.

R v R (2018)

PG represented a CEO accused of income tax evasion (sideways loss relief film scheme).

R v G (2018)

PG represented an election agent accused of election expenses fraud during the 2015 General Election, in contested proceedings in the Crown Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

R v A (2018)

PG represented a British individual accused of corporate corruption in Hungary in the award to a French company of a public infrastructure contract.

Barclays (Qatar) (2017)

SFO prosecution of a controversial fund raising by UK bank.

Petrobas (2017)

Corruption investigation in Brazil.

GPT Special Project Management Ltd (2017)

SFO investigation concerning Saudi Arabia.

R v X (2017)

PG represented a City solicitor accused of income tax evasion (capital loss relief various schemes).

R v K (2017)

PG represented a custody sergeant accused of gross negligence manslaughter and misconduct in public office following the death in his custody of Mr Thomas Orchard.

R v Lord H (2016)

PG represented the Crown in the prosecution of a member of the House of Lords in connection with Parliamentary expenses.

EURIBOR (2016)

FCA v L (2016)

PG represented a fund manager accused of insider dealing via offshore accounts.

R v L (2016)

PG represented a mother accused of murdering her 19 day old child by shaking and other assaults.

R v M (2016)

PG represented a man convicted of an historic rape in his fresh evidence appeal and then at re-trial.

R v W (2016)

PG represented a custody sergeant accused of perjury in his evidence at an inquest following the death in his custody of Mr Sean Rigg.

R v C (2015)

PG represented a businessman accused of laundering money between India and the UK.

R v E (2015)

PG represented an investment banker accused of income tax evasion (sideways loss relief film scheme).

R v C (2015)

PG represented the former editor of the News of The World in his abandoned retrial for conspiring to make illegal payments to police officers for royal household directories.

R v CM Ltd (2014)

PG represented company accused of Corporate Manslaughter in the construction industry.

R v B (2014)

PG represented a barrister accused of perverting the course of justice in the Huhne/Pryce affair.

R v PC W (2014)

PG represented the ‘Plebgate’ officer accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice in connection with Andrew Mitchell MP.

FSA v S (2014)

PG represented a market professional accused of insider dealing.

R v T (2014)

PG represented a G4S guard accused of the Manslaughter of Jimmy Mubenga on the runway at LHR in the course of his deportation to Angola.

R v Bhayani (2013)

PG represented the Crown in the prosecution of two conmen accused of murdering a wealthy single woman, concealing her body, hijacking her identity, impersonating her and draining her assets.

R v J-B (2013)

PG represented an MoD official accused of selling information to a senior correspondent of the Sun newspaper.

R v DCI AC (2013)

PG represented a Detective Chief Inspector accused of misconduct in public office in connection with the ‘phone hacking’ investigation.

FSA v J (insider dealing) (2013)

PG represented a man accused of betting with inside information from JPMC and UBS.

R v PC H (2012)

PG represented the police officer accused of the manslaughter of Mr Ian Tomlinson.

FSA v S (insider dealing) (2012)

PG represented a man accused of betting with inside information from JPMC and UBS.

SFO v M-P (2010)

British Aerospace ‘corruption’ PG represented the only individual charged by the SFO in its investigation into corruption in the award of British Aerospace contracts.

R v AW (2009)

PG represented a singer alleged to have assaulted another performer at a charity event.

R v S (2009)

Armed robberies PG represented a man alleged to have committed a number of armed robberies.

R v N (2009)

Iran military embargo PG represented a man accused of trading military hardware to Iran during hostilities in Iraq.

SFO v F (2007)

PG represented the finance director of a group of the Imperial Consolidated group of mutual funds alleged to have been responsible for falsification of public accounts.

FPS v C (2007)

PG represented an escrow agent alleged to have conspired to defraud the Bank of England with counterfeit currency.

R[Private Prosecutor] v S and others (2006)

PG represented the alpine guide alleged to have been criminally liable for the death of a climber customer who disappeared in extreme conditions near the summit of Mount Everest.

SFO v W (2006)

PG represented a director alleged to have traded fraudulently in the demise of the Legacies, Willsand Probate group.

SFO v Butt and Others (2004)

PG represented an individual accused of placing spread bets based on price sensitive information from the CSFB control room.

Inland Revenue v Kumar and Others (2003)

PG represented an IFA alleged to have promoted an illegal offshore scheme designed to release pension funds without corresponding purchase of annuities.

R v May and Others (2002)

PG represented a director alleged to have committed MTIC fraud by trading in microprocessorsin this headline VAT carousel prosecution.

Fraud overview

Notable Fraud cases

Entain/GVC (2024)

HMRC investigation into foreign online betting

R v S (2020, 2021, 2022)

PG represented a solicitor/judge charged with Conspiracy to Defraud the public purse, in three contested jury trials across three years.

FCA v V (2020)

PG represented an individual charged under FSMA with destroying electronic documents during an insider dealing search.

Rolls Royce (2019)

SFO investigation into alleged corruption.

R v R (2018)

PG represented a CEO accused of income tax evasion (sideways loss relief film scheme).

R v G (2018)

PG represented an election agent accused of election expenses fraud during the 2015 General Election, in contested proceedings in the Crown Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

R v A (2018)

PG represented a British individual accused of corporate corruption in Hungary in the award to a French company of a public infrastructure contract.

Barclays (Qatar) (2017)

SFO prosecution of a controversial fund raising by UK bank.

Petrobas (2017)

Corruption investigation in Brazil.

GPT Special Project Management Ltd (2017)

SFO investigation concerning Saudi Arabia.

R v X (2017)

PG represented a City solicitor accused of income tax evasion (capital loss relief various schemes).

R v Lord H (2016)

PG represented the Crown in the prosecution of a member of the House of Lords in connection with Parliamentary expenses.

EURIBOR (2016)

FCA v L (2016)

PG represented a fund manager accused of insider dealing via offshore accounts.

R v C (2015)

PG represented a businessman accused of laundering money between India and the UK.

R v E (2015)

PG represented an investment banker accused of income tax evasion (sideways loss relief film scheme).

FSA v S (2014)

PG represented a market professional accused of insider dealing.

R v J-B (2013)

PG represented an MoD official accused of selling information to a senior correspondent of the Sun newspaper.

FSA v J (insider dealing) (2013)

PG represented a man accused of betting with inside information from JPMC and UBS.

FSA v S (insider dealing) (2012)

PG represented a man accused of betting with inside information from JPMC and UBS.

SFO v M-P (2010)

British Aerospace ‘corruption’. PG represented the only individual charged by the SFO in its investigation into corruption in the award of British Aerospace contracts.

SFO v F (2007)

PG represented the finance director of a group of the Imperial Consolidated group of mutual funds alleged to have been responsible for falsification of public accounts.

FPS v C (2007)

PG represented an escrow agent alleged to have conspired to defraud the Bank of England with counterfeit currency.

SFO v W (2006)

PG represented a director alleged to have traded fraudulently in the demise of the Legacies, Willsand Probate group.

SFO v Butt and Others (2004)

PG represented an individual accused of placing spread bets based on price sensitive information from the CSFB control room.

Inland Revenue v Kumar and Others (2003)

PG represented an IFA alleged to have promoted an illegal offshore scheme designed to release pension funds without corresponding purchase of annuities.

R v May and Others (2002)

PG represented a director alleged to have committed MTIC fraud by trading in microprocessorsin this headline VAT carousel prosecution.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety overview

Notable Health & Safety cases

R v CM Ltd (2014)

PG represented company accused of Corporate Manslaughter in the construction industry.

Inquests & Inquiries overview

Notable Inquests & Inquiries cases

McGrail Inquiry [Gibraltar] (2024)

PG represented the senior investigating officer in a Public Inquiry into the Gibraltar Chief Minister's role in the early retirement of the Commissioner of Police.

Harry Dunn Inquest (2024)

PG represented the family of a motorcyclist killed by a US national who was driving on the wrong side of the road near a US base at RAF Croughton.

Undercover Policing Inquiry (2024)

PG represents an individual assisting a Public Inquiry into historic covert surveillance by the UK police.

Rizvi Inquest (2023)

PG represented the original investigating officers in a resumed inquest into the gangland assassination of a young woman in 2023.

Manchester Arena Inquiry (2019-2022)

PG represented British Transport Police and its officers in the public inquiry into the deaths of 22 adults and children murdered at a concert in 2017.

Grenfell Tower Inquiry (2019-2021)

Advising significant individuals giving evidence to the inquiry.

Sean Benton Inquest (2018)

PG represented NCOs accused of bullying a recruit who committed suicide at the Queen Victoria barracks in Deepcut in 1995.

Ullah Inquest (2015)

PG represented TVP officers in an inquest into the death in their custody of a suspect who had stuffed and swallowed his stock of crack cocaine.

Litvinenko Inquest (2013)

PG represented the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation at the inquest into the death of Alexander Litvinenko).

Leveson Inquiry (2012)

PG advised Guardian News and Media in a public inquiry into the culture and practices of the UK media.

Ian Tomlinson Inquest (2011)

PG represented the police officer said to have been responsible for the death of Mr Tomlinson while policing the G20 riots in the City of London.

7/7 Bombings Inquest (2010)

PG represented the British Transport Police and its witnesses in the inquest into the deaths of 52 people murdered on the London public transport system.

Mark Saunders Inquest (2010)

PG represented the widow of a barrister shot to death by police officers in his flat in Chelsea.

Jean Charles de Menezes Inquest (2008)

PG represented the Special Branch and MoD officers responsible for the surveillance of a man mistakenly shot to death by police officers in Stockwell.

Victoria Climbié Inquiry (2002)

PG represented the inspector in charge of the Haringey Child Protection Team responsible for a child who was murdered by her aunt.

Private Prosecutions overview

Notable Private Prosecutions cases

D v C (2019)

Resisting a private prosecution arising out of High Court proceedings concerning Moscow real estate.

R [Private Prosecutor] v S & Others 2006

PG represented the alpine guide alleged to have been criminally liable for the death of a climber customer who disappeared in extreme conditions near the summit of Mount Everest.

Professional Discipline overview

Notable Professional Discipline cases

R v NX121 (2024)

PG represented the SCO19 specialist firearms officer charged with Murder for shooting Mr Chris Kaba.

R v W (2022)

PG represented a police driver prosecuted for 'causing' the deaths of a young family run down by the criminal whose stolen car he was pursuing on blue lights and sirens.

Manchester Arena Inquiry (2019-2022)

Advising British Transport Police.

R v M (2021)

PG represented uniformed officers accused of misconduct during the unlawful killing of Mr Dalian Atkinson.

PS W (2019)

PG represented a custody sergeant accused of misconduct following the death in his custody of Mr Sean Rigg, a detained person at Brixton police station.

R v X (2018)

PG represented a judge accused of a computer offence.

R v K (2017)

PG represented a custody sergeant accused of gross negligence manslaughter and misconduct in public office following the death in his custody of Mr Thomas Orchard.

R v W (2016)

PG represented a custody sergeant accused of perjury in his evidence at an inquest following the death in his custody of Mr Sean Rigg.

R v B (2014)

PG represented a barrister accused of perverting the course of justice in the Huhne/Pryce affair.

R v PC W (2014)

PG represented the ‘Plebgate’ officer accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice in connection with Andrew Mitchell MP.

R v DCI AC (2013)

PG represented a Detective Chief Inspector accused of misconduct in public office in connection with the ‘phone hacking’ investigation.

R v PC H (2012)

PG represented the police officer accused of the manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson.

Public Law overview

Notable Public Law cases

McGrail Inquiry [Gibraltar] (2024)

PG represented the senior investigating officer in a Public Inquiry into the Gibraltar Chief Minister's role in the early retirement of the Commissioner of Police.

Harry Dunn Inquest (2024)

PG represented the family of a motorcyclist killed by a US national who was driving on the wrong side of the road near a US base at RAF Croughton.

Undercover Policing Inquiry (2024)

PG represents an individual assisting a Public Inquiry into historic covert surveillance by the UK police.

Rizvi Inquest (2023)

PG represented the original investigating officers in a resumed inquest into the gangland assassination of a young woman in 2003.

Manchester Arena Inquiry (2019-2022)

PG represented British Transport Police and its officers in the public inquiry into the deaths of 22 adults and children murdered at a concert in 2017.

Grenfell Tower Inquiry (2019-2021)

Advising significant individuals giving evidence to the inquiry.

Manchester Arena Inquests (2019)

PG represented the British Transport Police in the inquest into the deaths of 22 adults and children murdered at a concert in 2017.

Sean Benton Inquest (2018)

PG represented NCOs accused of bullying a recruit who committed suicide at the Queen Victoria barracks in Deepcut in 1995.

Ullah Inquest (2015)

PG represented TVP officers in an inquest into the death in their custody of a suspect who had stuffed and swallowed his stock of crack cocaine.

Litvinenko Inquest (2013)

PG represented the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation at the inquest into the death of Alexander Litvinenko).

Leveson Inquiry (2012)

PG advised Guardian News and Media in a public inquiry into the culture and practices of the UK media.

Ian Tomlinson Inquest (2011)

PG represented the police officer said to have been responsible for the death of Mr Tomlinson while policing the G20 riots in the City of London..

7/7 Bombings Inquest (2010)

PG represented the British Transport Police and its witnesses in the inquest into the deaths of 52 people murdered on the London public transport system.

Mark Saunders Inquest (2010)

PG represented the widow of a barrister shot to death by police officers in his flat in Chelsea.

Jean Charles de Menezes Inquest (2008)

PG represented the Special Branch and MoD officers responsible for the surveillance of a man mistakenly shot to death by police officers in Stockwell.

Victoria Climbié Inquiry (2002)

PG represented the inspector in charge of the Haringey Child Protection Team responsible for a child who was murdered by her aunt.

R v F (2024)
PG represented a rapper accused of sexual offences.

Undercover Policing Inquiry (2024)
PG represents an individual assisting a Public Inquiry into historic covert surveillance by the UK police.

R v NX121 (2024)
PG represented the SCO19 specialist firearms officer charged with Murder for shooting Mr Chris Kaba.

McGrail Inquiry [Gibraltar] (2024)
PG represented the senior investigating officer in a Public Inquiry into the Gibraltar Chief Minister’s role in the early retirement of the Commissioner of Police.

Harry Dunn Inquest (2024)
PG represented the family of a motorcyclist killed by a US national who was driving on the wrong side of the road near a US base at RAF Croughton.

Entain/GVC (2024)
HMRC investigation into foreign online betting.

Rizvi Inquest (2023)
PG represented the original investigating officers in a resumed inquest into the gangland assassination of a young woman in 2003.

R v R (2023)
Husband and wife mercy killing indicted as Murder and resolved by suspended sentence. PG represented the accused husband.

R v S (2023)
PG represented an actor accused of sexual offences.

R v P (2023)
PG represented the MPS officer responsible for West End licensing prosecuted under the Bribery Act for advantages received from club owners and security companies in return for preferential treatment.

R v St G (2022)
PG represented a woman accused of the Murder of her young child and convicted of Infanticide as an alternative to Manslaughter.

R v W (2022)
PG represented a police driver prosecuted for ‘causing’ the deaths of a young family run down by the criminal whose stolen car he was pursuing on blue lights and sirens.

Encrochat (2022 –  )
PG represented and continues to represent individuals accused of drugs and firearms offences on the strength of  Encrochat data recovered by the NCA.

Glencore (2022 –  )
SFO investigation into alleged corruption in Africa.

R v S (2020, 2021, 2022)
PG represented a solicitor/judge charged with Conspiracy to Defraud the public purse, in three contested jury trials across three years

Manchester Arena Inquiry (2019-2022)
PG represented British Transport Police and its officers in the public inquiry into the deaths of 22 adults and children murdered at a concert in 2017

R v M (2021)
PG represented a uniformed officer charged with Murder of Dalian Atkinson following Taser discharge

Al M (2019 – 2021)
Advising on criminal issues in Family Court proceedings between a husband and wife

Grenfell Tower Inquiry (2019-2021)
Advising significant individuals giving evidence to the inquiry

FCA v V (2020)
PG represented an individual charged under FSMA with destroying electronic documents during an insider dealing search

R v E (2020)
PG represented an individual indicted for Extinction Rebellion protest at Canary Wharf

D v C (2019)
Resisting a private prosecution arising out of High Court proceedings concerning Moscow real estate

PS W (2019)
PG represented a custody sergeant accused of misconduct following the death in his custody of Sean Rigg, a detainee at Brixton police station

Rolls Royce (2019)
SFO investigation into alleged corruption

R v X (2018)
PG represented a judge accused of a computer offence

R v R (2018)
PG represented a CEO accused of income tax evasion (sideways loss relief film scheme)

Sean Benton Inquest (2018)
PG represented NCOs accused of bullying a recruit who committed suicide at the Queen Victoria barracks in Deepcut in 1995

R v G (2018)
PG represented an election agent accused of election expenses fraud during the 2015 General Election, in contested proceedings in the Crown Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court

R v A (2018)
PG represented a British individual accused of corporate corruption in Hungary in the award to a French company of a public infrastructure contract

Barclays (Qatar) (2017)
SFO prosecution of a controversial fund raising by UK bank

Petrobas (2017)
Corruption investigation in Brazil

GPT Special Project Management Ltd (2017)
SFO investigation concerning Saudi Arabia

R v X (2017)
PG represented a City solicitor accused of income tax evasion (capital loss relief various schemes)

R v K (2017)
PG represented a custody sergeant accused of gross negligence manslaughter and misconduct in public office following the death in his custody of a Mr Thomas Orchard

R v Lord H (2016)
PG represented the Crown in the prosecution of a member of the House of Lords in connection with Parliamentary expenses

EURIBOR (2016)

FCA v L (2016)
PG represented a fund manager accused of insider dealing via offshore accounts

R v L (2016)
PG represented a mother accused of murdering her 19 day old child by shaking and other assaults

R v M (2016)
PG represented a man convicted of an historic rape in his fresh evidence appeal and then at re-trial

R v W (2016)
PG represented a custody sergeant accused of perjury in his evidence at an inquest following the death in his custody of Mr Sean Rigg

R v C (2015)
PG represented a businessman accused of laundering money between India and the UK

R v E (2015)
PG represented an investment banker accused of income tax evasion (sideways loss relief film scheme)

Ullah Inquest (2015)
PG represented TVP officers in an inquest into the death in their custody of a suspect who had stuffed and swallowed his stock of crack cocaine

R v C (2015)
PG represented the former editor of the News of The World in his abandoned retrial for conspiring to make illegal payments to police officers for royal household directories

R v CM Ltd (2014)
PG represented a company accused of Corporate Manslaughter in the construction industry

R v B (2014)
PG represented a barrister accused of perverting the course of justice in the Huhne/Pryce affair

R v PC W (2014)
PG represented the ‘Plebgate’ officer accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice in connection with Andrew Mitchell MP

FSA v S (2014)
PG represented a market professional accused of insider dealing

R v T (2014)
PG represented a G4S guard accused of the Manslaughter of Jimmy Mubenga on the runway at LHR in the course of his deportation to Angola

R v Bhayani (2013)
PG represented the Crown in the prosecution of two conmen accused of murdering a wealthy single woman, concealing her body, hijacking her identity, impersonating her and draining her assets

R v J-B (2013)
PG represented an MoD official accused of selling information to a senior correspondent of the Sun newspaper

SFO v H (2013)
PG represented the legal director and company secretary of Torex Retail plc, charged with conspiracy to defraud the group’s shareholders

PG represented a Detective Chief Inspector accused of misconduct in public office in connection with the ‘phone hacking’ investigation

Litvinenko Inquest (2013)
PG represented the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation at the inquest into the death of Alexander Litvinenko)

FSA v J (2013)
(Insider dealing)
PG represented a man accused of betting with inside information from JPMC and UBS

R v PC H (2012)
PG represented the police officer accused of the manslaughter of Ian Tomlinson

FSA v S (2012)
(Insider dealing)
PG represented a man accused of betting with inside information from JPMC and UBS

Leveson Inquiry (2012)
PG advised Guardian News and Media in a public inquiry into the culture and practices of the UK media

Ian Tomlinson Inquest (2011)
PG represented the police officer said to have been responsible for the death of Mr Tomlinson while policing the G20 riots in the City of London

7/7 Bombings Inquest (2010)
PG represented the British Transport Police and its witnesses in the inquest into the deaths of 52 people murdered on the London public transport system

Mark Saunders Inquest (2010)
PG represented the widow of a barrister shot to death by police officers in his flat in Chelsea

SFO v M-P (2010)
British Aerospace ‘corruption’
PG represented the only individual charged by the SFO in its investigation into corruption in the award of British Aerospace contracts

R v AW (2009)
PG represented a singer alleged to have assaulted another performer at a charity event

R v S (2009)
(Armed robberies)
PG represented a man alleged to have committed a number of armed robberies

R v N (2009)
(Iran military embargo)
PG represented a man accused of trading military hardware to Iran during hostilities in Iraq

Jean Charles de Menezes Inquest (2008)
PG represented the Special Branch and MoD officers responsible for the surveillance of a man mistakenly shot to death by police officers in Stockwell

SFO v F (2007)
PG represented the finance director of a group of the Imperial Consolidated group of mutual funds alleged to have been responsible for falsification of public accounts

FPS v C (2007)
PG represented an escrow agent alleged to have conspired to defraud the Bank of England with counterfeit currency

R[Private Prosecutor] v S and others (2006)
PG represented the alpine guide alleged to have been criminally liable for the death of a climber customer who disappeared in extreme conditions near the summit of Mount Everest

SFO v W (2006)
PG represented a director alleged to have traded fraudulently in the demise of the Legacies, Wills and Probate group

SFO v Butt and Others (2004)
PG represented an individual accused of placing spread bets based on price sensitive information from the CSFB control room

Inland Revenue v Kumar and Others (2003)
PG represented an IFA alleged to have promoted an illegal offshore scheme designed to release pension funds without corresponding purchase of annuities

R v May and Others (2002)
PG represented a director alleged to have committed MTIC fraud by trading in microprocessors in this headline VAT carousel prosecution

Victoria Climbié Inquiry (2002)
PG represented the inspector in charge of the Haringey Child Protection Team responsible for a child who was murdered by her aunt

Key contacts

For professional peer references about Patrick Gibbs KC, please follow these hyperlinks:

Chambers UK 

Legal 500

Star at the Bar – Chambers UK 2020

Public Law Silk of the year – Legal 500 UK Awards 2019

Who’s Who Legal

Chambers 100 UK Bar 2014

Crime Silk of the year – Chambers and Partners Bar Awards 2010

  • Christ Church, Oxford
  • City University, London
  • Silk 2006

I, Patrick Gibbs KC, am a data controller and can be contacted at 3 Raymond Buildings, Gray’s Inn, London WC1R 5BH or by telephone on 020 7400 6400 or by e-mail at My Data Protection Policy can be found below.

All personal data which I process is for the purposes of providing legal services, conducting conflict checks, marketing, defending potential complaints, legal proceedings or fee disputes, keeping anti-money laundering records, training other barristers and pupils and when providing work shadowing opportunities, and/or exercising a right to a lien. The types of data which I process vary according to the nature of the legal matter about which I am engaged to advise, but can include names, contact details, biographic details and ‘special category personal data’ (such as details of racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health, sex life and criminal convictions and proceedings).

Depending on the circumstances of the case, the legal bases on which I process personal data are (i) the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, (ii) the processing is necessary to comply with legal obligations to which I am subject, or (iii) the processing is necessary for the legitimate interests set out above, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. When I rely on (iii) legitimate interests, my ‘Legitimate Interests Assessment’ can be found here. When I process data which has not be obtained directly from the data subject (e.g. personal data contained in evidential materials), it will have been supplied to me as part of my instructions in circumstances covered by legal professional privilege.

Depending on the circumstances of the case, I may share the personal data with:

  1. my Chambers, which supplies professional and administrative support to my practice;
  2. courts and other tribunals to whom documents are presented;
  3. my lay and professional clients;
  4. potential witnesses, in particular experts, and friends or family of the data subject;
  5. solicitors, barristers, pupils, mini pupils and other legal representatives;
  6. ombudsmen and regulatory authorities;
  7. current, past or prospective employers;
  8. education and examining bodies;
  9. business associates, professional advisers and trade bodies.

I retain personal data for no longer than 7 years after the case has come to an end or as otherwise required by law.

I do not intend to transfer data to any country which is not either within the European Union, ‘white listed’ by the EU or otherwise permitted by EU law (e.g. to the USA under the provisions of the ‘Privacy Shield’).

Under the GDPR, data subjects whose personal data I process have the right to request from me access to, and rectification or erasure of, their personal data, the right to the restriction of processing concerning them, the right to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. Data subjects also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (

In cases where there is a contract between me and the data subject, the provision of personal data is a contractual requirement and the data subject is obliged to provide his/her/its personal data in order that I can supply legal services. A failure to provide such data may mean that I will not be able to provide the legal services.

Rev 1.1 7.06.2018

Data Protection Policy

Legitimate Interests Assessment

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